It’s my birthday! And this is the birthday I might be most excited for–it’s my 22nd birthday! 22 is my lucky number and my birthday so in honor of my golden birthday, I’ve rounded up 22 things I’ve learned before I turned 22. Let’s get started!
- Never try to love anyone more than you love yourself.
- People show you exactly who they are, don’t ignore what they show you.
- You are worth it.
- Start your retirement fund as soon as possible, even if you don’t have a salaried job yet. It’s never too early.
- Sometimes you just need a hug from your parents.
- All dogs are puppy no matter their age.
- Love your body, no matter how much it has gone through or what it looks like. Your body is perfect!
- Don’t worry about being cool–I really don’t think there’s any such thing, so just be yourself and don’t worry about if it’s “cool” or not
- If you keep it long enough, eventually it’ll be in style again.
- Numbers don’t matter–not on the scale, on your clothes tag, your followers list, or anything.
- Taking care of yourself is not selfish.
- Learn to be okay with being by yourself. It can be an amazing time if you let yourself be okay being alone.
- Before purchasing something, walk away for a few days. If you’re still thinking about it, go back and buy it. This helps avoid unnecessary or excess purchases.
- Some friends grow apart, and it’s okay. It’s no one’s fault and there doesn’t have to be bad blood between you. Cherish it for what it was.
- Drink water. And then drink some more. And more. You can’t drink too much water.
- Smile at strangers. You never know what they’re going through.
- Pay it forward when you can. Pay for the coffee or ice cream of the people behind you just because.
- Chocolate chip bagels are the best bagels.
- Don’t be ashamed of your hobbies. I’m 22 and still log onto Webkinz sometimes! No shame.
- Ask for help when you need it. Don’t rob other people of getting to take care of you when you need it.
- Similarly, help others without trying to fix them.
- Life goes on. No matter how many tears you shed, no matter how scary it seems, no matter how impossible it seems, life goes on.
What are big life lessons you’ve learned? Any words of wisdom to share?
Julia says
This is so sweet! It’s always nice to take a second and remember that life does go on no matter what. I need to read these everyday because I often forget how important it is to remind yourself of the positive things.